stwk    Hall of Fame           super ranking : Hönck Jakob Stephan 100 Punkte, Baumann Kerstin 100 Punkte, Nuart Paula 100 Punkte,             Team Rankings : NFÖ - Petzen 4875 Punkte, PZS - Radovljica 3499 Punkte, NFÖ - Brueckl 343 Punkte,
    >>>>>> results <<<<<<


Event iRCC 2013 (L) - HRV Croatian Cup Zagreb
Type of competition : Lead
Cup competitions : iRCC InterRegional Climbing Cup 2013
location of the event : Kletterhalle Zagreb
address : Skorpikova 11, 10000 Zagreb
coordinates Lat / Lon : 45.805840 / 15.860550
route planning : Routenplaner
date : 2013-04-21 (Sunday) Date in a calendar to take over
end of regular registration : 2013-04-17 24:00
Registration : 09:00-10:00 U10 mf, U12 mf, U20 f
09:00-14:00 U14 mf, U16 mf, U20 m
start time : 10:30 U10 mf, U12 mf, U20 f
14:30 U14 mf, U16 mf, U20 m
Isolation : 12:45 U10 mf, U12 mf, U20 f
18:15 U14,U16,U20 male
start time finale : 13:00 U10 mf, U12 mf, U20 f
18:30 U14 mf, U16 mf, U20 m
award ceremony : after Final
entry fee : 14.00 Euro
post-nomination : + 5.00
Routes Quali : 3 Routes, 1 tries for each route
time to climb quali : 240
Startreihenfolge Q2 : ab Haelfte
Kletterdauer Finale : 300
Nominations / competitor : 167 / 147
nomination by country : 18
categories :
categorie Nominations nomination by country competitor
U10 / female 17 215
U10 / male 7 06
U12 / female 21 219
U12 / male 23 118
U14 / female 22 421
U14 / male 25 321
U16 / female 14 111
U16 / male 7 15
U20 / female 14 213
U20 / male 17 217
countries : SLO (73), AUT (41), CRO (38), BIH (9), HUN (3), CZE (2), GER (1),
regions : Gorenjska (38), Kaernten (29), Zagreb (18), Ljubljana (16), Štajerska (14), Steiermark (9), Primorsko-goranska (8), Split (7), Varaždinska (4), Sarajevo (4), Csongrad (3), Primorska (3), Niederoesterreich (2), Herzegovina-Neretva (2), Koroska (2), Mostar (1), Republika Srpska (1), Bayern (1), Zenica (1), Moravskoslezský (1), Wien (1), Olomoucký kraj (1), Istra (1),
clubs : PZS (71), HPS (37), ÖAV (34), PSBIH (9), NFÖ (5), SV (4), MHSSz (3), ČHS (2),
sections / location groups : Wolfsberg (18), Jesenice (12), ŠPD Korenjak (10), Radovljica (10), Kamnik (9), Marulianus (7), Klagenfurt (6), SPK Fothia (6), Riječki alpinistički klub (5), Velebit (5), Slovenska Bistrica (5), SPK Pulfer (5), Graz (5), St. Johann im R. (4), SPK Direct (4), No Comment (4), Mozirje (3), ASPK Neretva (3), Liezen (3), Meteora (3), Črnuče (3), SPK Rirockclimbing (3), DRPK (3), Vipava (2), Dobratsch (2), Tržič (2), Laško (2), AO Žiri (2), Proteus (2), Velenje ŠAO (1), Neunkirchen (1), PK Solo (1), Celje (1), TJ Baník Karviná (1), Judenburg (1), SPK Durango (1), Scorpio (1), Ravne (1), St. Pölten (1), HO SK Prostejov (1), OeGV Wien (1), Villach (1), Plezalni klub Scena (1), Škofja Loka (1), SPK Hive (1), Kranj (1),
Organizer : SPK Fothia
Chief of the Organisation : Ivan Pevec
Judge : Vedran Vračar, Tihana Pevec, Dalibor Gelo, Nikola Soic, Marija Mikulcic, Luka Trumbic, Marko Sili, Sanja Durin,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,  ,
Photos : Photos
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