stwk    Hall of Fame           super ranking : Hönck Jakob Stephan 100 Punkte, Baumann Kerstin 100 Punkte, Nuart Paula 100 Punkte,             Team Rankings : NFÖ - Petzen 4875 Punkte, PZS - Radovljica 3499 Punkte, NFÖ - Brueckl 343 Punkte,


Alps-Adriatic Working Community

Zagreb PPD Planinarski Savez Club 2010

Zagreb SPK Fothiá

Zagreb Planinarski Savez Club

Petzen PCT

Zagreb KRAS  2010


Auto Will



Type of competition Lead
Part of the competition series: iRCC InterRegional Climbing Cup 2013
date 2013-04-21 (Sunday)
location of the event Kletterhalle Zagreb
10000 Zagreb Skorpikova 11
coordinates : 45.805840 / 15.860550
Of competition Organisation Organizer SPK Fothia
organization Ivan Pevec, fothia(at)
registration registration
Registration 09:00-10:00 U10 mf, U12 mf, U20 f
09:00-14:00 U14 mf, U16 mf, U20 m
start time 10:30 U10 mf, U12 mf, U20 f
14:30 U14 mf, U16 mf, U20 m
Isolation 12:45 U10 mf, U12 mf, U20 f
18:15 U14,U16,U20 male
start time finale 13:00 U10 mf, U12 mf, U20 f
18:30 U14 mf, U16 mf, U20 m
award ceremony after Final
time to climb quali 4 Minuten
time to climb finale 5 Minuten
Changes reserved - time differences possible        Stand : 2018-03-17 05:49:24

Event / mode

Type of competition Lead
  • U10 female 2004 - 2006
  • U10 male 2004 - 2006
  • U12 female 2002 - 2003
  • U12 male 2002 - 2003
  • U14 female 2000 - 2001
  • U14 male 2000 - 2001
  • U16 female 1998 - 1999
  • U16 male 1998 - 1999
  • U20 female 1994 - 1997
  • U20 male 1994 - 1997
Routes Quali : 3 Routes, 1 tries for each route
Final : yes
Modus : Vorrunde


entry fee 14.00 Euro
105.00 kn
post-nomination + 5.00 €
post-nomination + 35.00 kn
end of regular registration 2013-04-17 24:00

Datenstand : 2018-03-17 05:49:24
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