stwk    Hall of Fame           super ranking : Vilks Edvards 200 Punkte, Bergmann Katharina 200 Punkte, Drenški Lorena 200 Punkte,             Team Rankings : NFÖ - Petzen 4811 Punkte, PZS - Radovljica 3499 Punkte, NFÖ - Brueckl 343 Punkte,

Naturfreundejugend Österreich

Naturfreunde Jugend



Type of competition TeamMaster 2.0
date 2017-06-17 (Saturday)
location of the event Boulderhalle Bürs - Klimmerei
6706 Bürs Quadrella 10
coordinates : 47.157642 / 9.806111
Of competition Organisation Organizer Naturfreundejugend Vorarlberg
organization Irene Raffetseder, jugend(at)
registration registration
Registration 09:00 : U10, U13, U16
opening 09:30 : U10, U13, U16
start time 10:00 : U10, U13
12:30 : U16
start time finale 14:00 : U10, U13, U16
award ceremony 15:00 : U10, U13, U16
Changes reserved - time differences possible        Stand : 2018-03-17 05:49:24

Event / mode

Type of competition TeamMaster 2.0
  • U10 mixed 2008 - 2010
  • U13 mixed 2005 - 2007
  • U16 mixed 2002 - 2004
Routes Quali : 4 Routes, 4 tries for each route, MaximaleZeit: 120 seconds
Final : 1 Routes, 4 tries for each route, MaximaleZeit: 120 seconds
Rules Team_Master_Wettkampfregeln_2015.pdf
note Boulder Team-Bewerb


routesetting : Andrej Olip & team
EDV Auswertung : Franz Sturmer
speaker : Klaus Wallas
prices Medaillen, Pokale und Sachpreise
end of regular registration 2017-06-17 24:00

Datenstand : 2018-03-17 05:49:24
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